Permit Release Days
If you want to obtain a permit on the release day, you will need to register in advance. The first release day of 2024 will be on November 14, so if you want to apply for a permit, register between October 24 and November 3 from 10:30 AM to 5 PM (PST). Please note that if you do not register in advance, you won’t be able to apply for the permit on November 14.
Submission Process
On launch day, a waiting room system will appear on the website when you go to fill out the permit application. As soon as you click on the application, you will be assigned a place in line and an approximate wait time—which may be up to three hours. Once you have access to the application, you will have 10 minutes to start it and an additional 20 minutes to fill it out. Before you begin, make sure to solidify a start location and date as well as an end location and date; the system will not give you very much time to figure out these details.
Select your preferred date if it is available, but make sure to have some backup dates (just in case) and to stay in close communication with your group during the application process so that nobody gets left behind. Once you've successfully applied for the long-distance permit, obtaining a California Campfire Permit is the next step.
California Campfire Permit
This permit, also free, is necessary if you plan to use a stove or lantern along the trail. Despite its name, this permit does not allow campfires. In fact, about 10% of the trail passes through private land where campfires are typically prohibited. Moreover, a significant portion of the trail in Southern California crosses dry deserts, where wildfires are common, and campfires can be dangerous.