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Biggest Christmas Trees in California

Biggest Christmas Trees in California

Join us on a festive journey to check out the biggest Christmas trees in California that light up their respective cities. Team


2 min read

December 05, 2023

As the holiday season approaches, California, a state known for its diverse landscapes and vibrant cultures, transforms into a winter wonderland. Among its many festive attractions, the state boasts some of the most magnificent and grandiose Christmas trees in the country. These towering beauties, adorned with thousands of lights and ornaments, become central gathering points for communities to celebrate the season's joy and splendor.

The Capitol Christmas Tree, Sacramento

In the heart of California's capital, Sacramento, the Capitol Christmas Tree stands as a beacon of holiday spirit. This mammoth tree, usually a Douglas or White Fir, is sourced from California’s own forests, symbolizing the state's rich natural heritage. Towering over the Capitol's west lawn, this tree is traditionally lit by the Governor in a ceremony that includes music, festive speeches, and a countdown that brings the tree to life with thousands of shimmering lights. It's not just a tree; it's a symbol of unity for the Golden State.

Sacramento, California's capital, shows out with its stunning Christmas tree every year.

The Pier 39 Christmas Tree, San Francisco

San Francisco's iconic Pier 39 is home to a Christmas tree that matches the city's vibrant and eclectic energy. Situated against the backdrop of the San Francisco Bay and the famous Alcatraz Island, the Pier 39 Christmas Tree is an awe-inspiring sight. Each year, the tree's lighting ceremony is a major event, featuring entertainment and appearances by special guests. The tree itself is a spectacle of lights and ornaments, reflecting the city's colorful personality.

The Segerstrom Center for the Arts Tree, Costa Mesa

In the heart of Orange County, the Segerstrom Center for the Arts in Costa Mesa displays a stunning Christmas tree that complements the center’s architectural elegance. This tree is known for its sophisticated decoration, often featuring a unique theme each year. The lighting ceremony includes performances from local choirs and artists, making it a cultural event that brings together art, music, and holiday cheer.

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The Citadel Outlets Tree, Los Angeles

Los Angeles, a city synonymous with glamour and entertainment, hosts one of the tallest Christmas trees in the country at the Citadel Outlets. This artificial tree is a staggering 115 feet tall and is decorated with over 18,000 LED lights and 10,000 ornaments and bows. The lighting ceremony is a star-studded event, often featuring celebrity guests and live performances. This tree not only embodies the festive spirit but also represents the larger-than-life persona of Los Angeles.

Adorned with over 10,000 lights, the Citadel Outlets tree is a remarkable visual feast.

The Old Town Pasadena Tree, Pasadena

Pasadena, with its historic charm, hosts a Christmas tree that is a nod to the city's rich heritage. Located in Old Town Pasadena, this tree is often a traditional Noble Fir, adorned with classic decorations that evoke a sense of nostalgia. The lighting event includes carolers dressed in Victorian attire, and horse-drawn carriage rides, creating a quaint and magical holiday atmosphere.

The Christmas Tree at Balboa Park, San Diego

San Diego’s Balboa Park, known for its stunning natural beauty and cultural institutions, is home to a spectacular Christmas tree. The tree is part of the park's December Nights, a two-day holiday festival featuring lights, music, dance performances, and delicious food from around the world. The tree itself is beautifully decorated, serving as a centerpiece for this multicultural celebration.

Each of these Christmas trees in California is not just a symbol of the holiday season but also a representation of the community and culture that surrounds it. They bring people together, offering a place to gather, celebrate, and share in the joy of the season. As you explore California during the holidays, these trees are a must-see, each telling its own story and adding a unique sparkle to the festive atmosphere.

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