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Beat the Heat: How To Stay Cool During A Hot California Summer
Health & Fitness

Beat the Heat: How To Stay Cool During A Hot California Summer

The California heat can sneak up on you during the summer. Here's some helpful tips so you can beat the heat during a hot California summer. Team


2 min read

July 03, 2024

There's a unique allure to California's summer, the brilliant sun gilding sandy beaches and mountain peaks, cities buzzing with energy and color, and an infectious spirit of adventure permeating the air. Yet, beneath this idyllic picture lurks a formidable challenge - the California summer heat. The temperatures, often hitting above the 90-degree mark, can make the Golden State's charm a little more daunting. But fear not! For every blazing sunray, there's a method to tame it, ensuring your summer isn’t spent holed up in air-conditioned retreats, but out exploring California's myriad offerings. Here are tips and tricks to beat the heat, stay safe, and truly relish the natural beauty California delivers.

Stay Hydrated

While this seems simple, it's often overlooked. As temperatures rise, so does your body's need for water. Dehydration can sneak up on you and lead to dizziness, fatigue, and even heatstroke. Make sure to consume at least 8-10 glasses of water each day. If you're participating in strenuous activities, add an electrolyte drink to maintain your body's salt balance.

Staying hydrated is the most important part of beating the heat. Remember to drink water.

Dress Appropriately

The summer California sun is no joke, and your outfit choice plays a significant role in staying cool. Opt for loose, breathable fabrics like cotton or linen and light-colored clothing that reflect rather than absorb sunlight. A hat with a wide brim to protect your face, sunglasses to guard your eyes, and shoes (and socks) that allow your feet to breathe are also essential.

Cool Off in California's Waters

Embrace the natural cool-off spots that California offers. From the Pacific coastline to the countless rivers and lakes in its natural parks, a refreshing dip is never too far away. But remember, while the ocean provides a respite from the heat, it's crucial to use a waterproof, broad-spectrum sunscreen to protect your skin from the intense rays.

If the beach is within reach, it can be a great way to enjoy the hot day while cooling off in the refreshing ocean.

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Time Your Outdoor Activities

To stay safe during a hot California summer, timing is key. Avoid being outdoors during the peak sun intensity hours (10 a.m. to 4 p.m.). Plan your outdoor activities, be it hiking, sightseeing, or beach time, for the early morning or late evening when temperatures are relatively cooler.

Embrace Indoor Activities

When the mercury reaches its peak, seek refuge indoors. Museums, art galleries, shopping malls, and movie theaters are great places to escape the heat for a few hours. Many California cities have these options in abundance. Remember, during periods of extreme heat, the state often sets up cooling centers—public spaces where you can safely cool down.

There's plenty to do indoors in California, from enriching museums to entertaining and expansive shopping malls.

Practice Safe Sun Care

Sun protection goes beyond just slathering on the sunscreen. Choose a sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 and reapply every two hours, especially after swimming or excessive sweating. Seek shade whenever possible, and don't forget to protect your lips with an SPF lip balm. You do not want to be dealing with a painful sunburn after a day out in the sun. In the long term, diligent use of sunscreen can help avoid health issues later on from repeated, damaging sun exposure.

Sunscreen might be just as important as drinking water when it comes to staying safe on a hot day.

Stay Informed

Always be aware of the weather forecast, especially during periods of extreme heat. Follow the guidance from public health officials and take heat warnings seriously. Extreme heat can lead to serious health conditions like heatstroke.

By following these tips, you can navigate the California summer safely, staying cool while enjoying all the natural beauty and cultural richness the Golden State has to offer. California in the summer is hot, but with a bit of planning and care, it doesn't have to leave you feeling the heat.

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